Artist Phillip K Smith III used a collection of mirrors to make a 70 year old cabin in California’s Mojave Desert blend in to its surroundings. The installation is called “Lucid Stead”. In addition to mirrors, Phillip has added LEDs which, at night, create quite a stunning sight. The installation opened in Joshua Tree, California in October 2013. I love this. Thanks RJH for the heads up!
Tomorrow I'm headed for my annual week long vacation to Rehoboth Beach that I take with boyfriend. We have been lucky enough to visit there a few times already this year but there is nothing like this September trip. I've just gotten over being sick with a crazy sinus infection, work has been absolutely bonkers and well, I just need the break with him. The shot below is of the garden at the Bellmoor Inn - our home away from home these past 7 years whenever we visit. There is something about that place that puts a perfect smile on me and my boyfriend's face. xx.
While we aren't movin' on up tot he East Side, we are movin' on up 9 floors in my building. Our 21st floor view of Manhattan just went to 30. I love this lil' song. Does it bring back any memories for you?
This evening I'm off to the UK for a smashing lil' time with my boyfriend over the 4th of July holiday. It's so very unamerican to be visiting the UK over the 4th and I'm totally fine with that. I'll still post while I am away but with a british accent! x.
Here are more snaps I took with my iphone last week. I'm looooooving Instagram. It just gives a bit of a punch to my photographs which I appreciate. Check out the following series that I'm titling "NYC/PHL in COLOR.
“What greater thing is there for two human souls that to feel that they are joined.. to strengthen each other… to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.”
My boyfriend, RJH, is across the big ol' ocean away on business and I miss him dearly. I got the best surprise today when an amazing bouquet of flowers was delivered to me from him. This rainy icky day got so much brighter soooo quickly. I'm truly a lucky guy. Now come on back now, RJH. :-)
I'm headed to Rehoboth Beach for the weekend. This is the BEST way I can think of to spend my birthday. SO READY! RJH and I feel just like this, y'all!
Today is a sad day for me and my partner RJH. His Mom, who we lovingly called Cackles, has boarded a plane and is headed back to the UK to live. Cackles lived in Philly and was a constant in our lives these past 6 years. She is moving back to the UK for many reasons but one of the happiest is to be a grandmother to her daughter's first child who is due to be born in late July. I adore this woman. She has been like a mother to me, truly, and I'm crushed to know she isn't just a quick little trip away anymore. Cackles used to visit me and RJH on a regular basis as well. She would come up to visit with us every few weeks and we would go out to yummy dinners, check out the next fantastic exhibit that was on or just take a lengthy walk around this fabulous city. I know RJH is very sad to see her go but we only wish her the best. She's moving to London so it's not like we feel sorry for her. She isn't moving to some awful little town - it's London. Hellooooooo! It's a place I adore and to me it rivals NYC in soooo many ways. I know she'll be back to visit and I know we'll get over to see her too but it won't be the same, sadly. She brought a special light to RJH’s and my life.
Cackles - I wish you all the happiness and success that you deserve in London. RJH and I both do. You mean so much to me and I value this time we got to become so close. You treated me with kindness and respect and like one of your own flesh and blood. That meant the world to me! Make sure your other bubalas take just as fine care of you as we did or you'll just have to come back! Visit soon! Love you, Mom! xoxox.
Last night I had the pleasure of attending a benefit for an amazing organization called The Trevor Project. The organization's main goal is to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth who are in crisis and considering suicide. The group runs a prevention helpline that takes calls 24/7. They also offer online support to young people through their web site. In addition to the work they do for teens at risk, they also provide guidance and assistance to parents and guardians of these teens. My dear and dedicated friend Jason, invited me to the event as a guest.
Jason was asked to sing at the event and he absolutely rocked it out. The performance was stellar and brought the room to it's feet. Seated at my table was my parter RJH, my longtime friend Ashby, Jason, his manager Patrick and the utterly fabulous Rachel Harris. Just to my right was a table filled to brim with yumminess ~ Kelly Ripa & her husband Mark Consuelos, Trevor Award Winner and honoree of the night Vanessa Williams, Ugly Betty star Ana Ortiz, Ally Sheedy (who introduced Jason's performance!). A special treat for me was also watching the uber-talented and brilliant Dustin Lance Black (writer of the award-winning film MILK) give special awards to three youths who are doing amazing work in their communities. The night was truly special. We got to really talk to Rachel Harris who was thoughtful, lovely and every bit as charming and funny as you would expect. She coincidentally sat at the table next to us while I was out to dinner two nights before at my local favorite restaurant! Who knew we'd be hanging out a couple days later? New York is so strange and fabulous. I was so thrilled that Jason had asked me to attend. The Trevor Project is doing incredible work and is saving lives day after day. There were some very touching speeches by those who have been helped personally by The Trevor Project which brought a tear to my eye. I'm so thrilled to the extent that my friend Jason is lending his voice to LGBTQ community and their causes. Jason doesn't have to do any of this but he does with such willingness, compassion and love. He inspires me and I'm sure countless others with his thoughtfulness and commitment. To learn more about The Trevor Project, PLEASE visit their website. They are a tremendous organization with a tremendous heart. Watch FOXNY's coverage of the event below.
Via one of my favorite blogs,, comes a truly inspiring story of devotion and love. I hope RJH and I will be telling a similar story when we reach Bob & Henry's age. xo.
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