One of the most beautiful places that I have ever traveled to is a little place on the Southern coast of England called Brighton. This small town is the place where my boyfriend RJH grew up. We visit there whenever we get back to England which, due to the exchange rate and not enough vacation days, is only about one time a year. RJH introduced me to a painter named Philip Dunn who is a brilliant and amazing Brighton artist. Philip truly captures what it’s really like to live in Brighton and experience the seafront. Philip, like a New York favorite of mine Joe Holmes (who is a photographer rather than a painter), has a knack for being able to truly capture the essence of his surroundings in his work. His paintings are stunning and don't simply present a baseless benign subject but rather, like a photo, are worth 1,000 words, meanings and feelings. I could hardly believe they were paintings at first! The detail that Philip imparts on these pieces is insane. His use of light is beyond any artist that I have seen. I'm in awe of him. A few of my favorites are below but I must encourage you to check out more of his paintings HERE. You will understand the magic of what I'm referring to immediately. If you ever are in England and can make it down to lovely lil' Brighton, you will see what all my fussing is about. It feels like a home away from home. (Don't get any ideas, Cackles! It's only nice to visit! ok?! hehe.) xox.
Never really liked him very much until I read your piece and saw the paintings on your blog. Looked at the paintings from a different perspective and YES I am getting ideas!!!!
Posted by: Cackles | June 12, 2008 at 07:31 PM