Many of you know that I have an adorable kitty named Alice. She is totally the raddest lil' kitty ever. As I have learned, Alice tends to play by her own rules. She lets you know when she is hungry. She lets you know if she is in the mood to chat. She lets you know if she wants to play. You basically have to concede that she calls all of the shots. *sigh* If you accept that then it's all good. I ran across the following site and I loved the various things available for purchase. The site is called It's completely cute. Making obvious references to the late Chinese military and political leader Chairman Mao Zedong, the shirts and posters and what not are awesome. Its not all about kitties though - they also have items featuring Beagles to Pit Bulls to the weee little Chihuahua. If you have it as a pet, they'll have it on a witty t-shirt. Check out some of my faves below. Cute!