A blogger who appeared on a recent episode of In The Life, has been threatened by a Philadelphia meat man. In the life is a show that, according to their web site, is "dedicated entirely to stories about LGBT youth." The show is intended to give a "voice to an often unheard and overlooked population."
The blogger received a ton of feedback about his appearance on the show. While most was very supportive and positive, one was a bit troubling -
The comment read:
"I just saw your clip on T.V. I know your (sic) not going to change who you are. I know what I have to say, your (sic) not really going to give a shit about, however you have this site so I'm posting on it.
You CAN'T just expect everyone to be okay with you, and your life. Your (sic) a fag, and that (sic) fine, but keep it to yourself. Trust me, if I ever walk by you on the street with my kids and I see you kissing or holding hands with some dude, I'll brake (sic) every bone in your gay little body. Keep your shit behind closed doors, so children can't see you."
The awful message left on the bloggers site was signed with the commenter's email address - [email protected]. (I won't even get in to how GAY his email address is!?) The blogger did some googling and found out the guy runs a Philadelphia beef distribution company called Enterprise Steaks.
I'm not a meat eater but I certainly know if I was I would boycott this company immediately. I plan on emailing this hateful person at his email address - again that's [email protected] and I hope you do too. This kinda of thing is not to be tolerated. The president and and owner of this company as listed on the Better Business Bureau site is a Nick Peronace. This man is an awful horrible person who needs to know this type of thing is not right.
Check out the bloggers account of all the details here. Join me and other bloggers who think this is just ridiculous. Thanks Andy for bringing this story to my attention.
No, sorry, I never said ANYTHING. Someone has used my email as either a sick joke, of as hate. I never said anything bad about gay people. Please let the others know this, I have gotten lots of hate mail now, and tons of phone calls to my office. Please stop this.
Thank you : )
Posted by: Nick Peronace | February 2, 2007 at 04:26 PM
I am asking that you please delete what you ahve said about me, and my company. I never posted anything, and don't want to have to call my lawyer.
Thank you for your understanding.
Posted by: Nick Peronace | February 2, 2007 at 04:29 PM
Ya gotta prove that you didn't send it.
Did you see this link?
You are lying to everyone.
Deal with some bad press, hater.
Posted by: Dashus | February 2, 2007 at 06:15 PM
Beefman500: Our new special friend.
Posted by: Nelson G | February 3, 2007 at 04:12 PM