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January 11, 2007



CONGRATS BABY!!! That's awesome. You look so cute in the background shot.


Dude, if you just know the how much i ENVY you...you'd be dead by now !! Congrats and remember WE LOVE MADGE 'CAUSE MADGE LOVES US BACK !!


I am smack in the middle of moving right now (CT to PA). For this reason, I've been out of the loop. Had I known Madonna was even going to be in New York, and surely had I known she was going to be on the "Today Show," I would have skipped work, gone down there in the middle of the night and waited to see my queen and heroine in person! When I watched the show online after the fact, I sat here at my computer and cried because I missed my chance! I LOVE MADONNA SO MUCH!!! Anyway, congratulations to you, and I'm really glad you got to see Madonna in person! Heather

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